Despite being a very young firm, Lucid has achieved great strides in a field that

becoming more and more competitive. As we all know, Tesla is credited with bringing electric mobility

and competitors such as Rivian and Lucid have been working hard to unseat the EV dictator f

 But the Air Sapphire EV—the company's performance flagship—is the subject of this

At first, Lucid was a producer of parts with an emphasis on developing powertrains 

The business, which began operations in 2007 under the moniker "Atieva,"

 name to Lucid Motors in 2016 and said that it was interested in creating high-performance premium

Lucid Motors has a promising array of vehicles that includes the long-rumored luxury SUV

Project Gravity and its flagship sedan, the Air. The world's most powerful car and Lucid's 

most capable sedan were recently unveiled, much to the delight of EV enthusiasts.

Lucid's response to the Tesla Model S Plaid is the Air Sapphire. Right now, the 12-00 horsepower 

4-door super car is the hottest thing. Although the Sapphire is essentially an Air on steroids