For more than ten years, Tesla has dominated the electric vehicle industry,

with conventional manufacturers offering little to no meaningful opposition.

2024 approaches, well-known brands are committed to opposing Tesla's hegemony. 

 Furthermore, recent speculation has indicated that the Bavarian company and Tesla 

 "Tesla x BMW" electric vehicle. But will Bimmers eventually compete with Elon Musk's range of electric

As of right now, neither company has made any formal announcements confirming 

But, it is said that Tesla would allow rival brands to use a large number of its charging points.

However, that represents the closest the EV brand has gotten to a fresh cross-brand partnership. 

That said, rumors have circulated about a collaboration EV that will undercut the Model 3’s

starting price and target European-market EVs like the Volkswagen ID.3. Of course

Elon Musk and the powers-that-be at the California company have been vocal about introducing

 However, instead of a collaboration model, the new entry-level EV in the marque’s