The new Tesla Cybertruck may very well be America's next generation police vehicle.

The co-founder and current CTO of Oracle, Larry Ellison, just made a significant statement. 

Ellison announced at Oracle CloudWorld 2023 that the software giant will unveil their next-

Ellison said, "Our next-generation police car is coming out very soon," holding up a picture 

of a Cybertruck police cruiser in the back. It's not just my favorite police vehicle—

 It's amazing. I am overly knowledgeable about it, and part of it is still secret."

Additionally, he stated that the Cybertruck—or any other Tesla vehicle—makes a prime candidate

Oracle has already made a police car using a Ford Explorer. But to make it compatible 

with their tech, they had to add several things, such as a big central screen and outside cameras -

features that are already available on the Cybertruck.

Aside from appreciating Cybertruck's onboard tech, Ellison also mentioned that the electric truck 

"very safe and very fast," making it the right fit for police and other first responders.