In America, the most well-liked electric car is the Tesla Model Y.

Its athletic attitude and pragmatism are causing it to take over the nation.

As a major player in the EV market, Tesla has already made its name. The majority of the market

Regretfully, a lot of drivers are passing up a fantastic opportunity. 

Why aren't more owners of Tesla Model Y vehicles utilizing the federal tax incentive for electric 

The Model Y, Tesla's compact electric SUV, is eligible for the full federal electric vehicle tax credit 

 This implies that drivers who submit their taxes and disclose the cost of the car may

Drivers can claim the EV tax incentive by filling out the IRS Form 8936 alongside their tax return. 

This form asks for vehicle identification information like the VIN. 

The form helps the IRS classify your EV and confirm its eligibility for the tax credit.

Once the form is filled out properly with your tax return, you will receive the appropriate 

 discount on your annual income taxes, which could result in a refund.