The Tesla Model S is the company's main product, but sales of the model haven't

which is terrible for Tesla. As of right now, it's doing worse than it did a year ago.

What is causing the 2023 decline? Now let's examine the figures.

Hard to believe, given the company's explosive growth, but just over ten years ago,

Elon Musk was not yet a social media tycoon and Tesla was a niche producer of sports cars, 

, selling fewer than 2,500 Roadster models over the course of its five-year production run,

Since then, the brand's first widely available vehicle, the sedan-like hatchback Model S,

Per GoodCarBadCar, Tesla Model S sales reached 22,500 units so far in 2023 compared to 81,673 units

That’s not to say that all Tesla sales are in the gutter, though. The brand’s perennially popular Model 3 

 while the best-selling Model Y has increased sales by a whopping 75% year-over-year so far. 

So why is the flagship Model S slipping so badly? As mentioned, it’s a seriously aging design.

How old? Let’s just say that the Model S was developed when George Bush was