Jay Leno gets to drive the new Tesla Semi truck in an exclusive video from Jay Leno's Garage.

He meets with Dan Priestley, Senior Manager of Semi-Truck Engineering at Tesla,

, Chief Designer of Tesla, to talk about the inspiration for building electric vehicles.

High-speed trains serve as an influence for the design of the Tesla Semi

which also takes truck drivers' comfort and requirements into account.

 The team thinks that truckers would accept electric vehicles more rapidly if they are equipped with

the power and tools necessary to perform their jobs well. They might not need much persuading, 

fuel savings in the first three years of operation over a diesel truck amount to about $200,000.

The Tesla Semi does not have a transmission, Priestley explains, but distributes power

 ratios for efficiency and torque, depending on the driving conditions and driver inputs. 

 It is rear-wheel drive, which helps to elongate the life of the steer tires, and it recycles

parts from other Tesla models for maximum efficiency and reliability.