A Tesla Model 3 crashed off a highway west of Los Angeles on a fateful night in 2019.

The electric vehicle caught fire after colliding with a palm tree at a speed of 65 mph.

Micah Lee, the 37-year-old driver, was instantly killed in the collision, and the two passengers,

including an eight-year-old child seated in the rear seat, suffered serious injuries.

A Riverside, California jury decided on October 31st that there was no manufacturing defect

 This has implications for auto insurance prices, the future of driverless vehicles,

During the Riverside trial, Tesla’s lawyers argued that Micah Lee had consumed

Tesla also argued that there is no proof the car was on autopilot–without Micah’s 

One detail that doesn’t add up is a 2017 internal Tesla safety analysis that identifies

“incorrect steering command,” which can create a steering wheel angle classified as “excessive.”

 lawyers argued that this memo identified an issue that could theoretically arise, not one that had.

 But the same lawyers argued that we don’t know exactly what happened on that