Purchasing a brand-new Ford F-150 Raptor is among your limited choices. 

The majority of dealers won't let you lease a new Raptor, did you know that? 

 Leasing is often a less expensive choice that provides for an easy exit in the event that

don't want to make the large payments, or just want another new car in two to three years. 

don't want to make the large payments, or just want another new car in two to three years. 

 Any model purchased is a fixed item until it is sold. That usually means making a brand-new payment

 Why won't a dealer allow buyers to lease a brand-new Ford F-150 Raptor?

Because each dealer is unique, everything should be taken with a grain of salt. 

I used to work at a dealership, having spent around six years there

I mostly worked with an Infiniti and Ford dealership at that period, however I did work

The fact that Ford dealers won't let consumers lease a new Ford F-150 Raptor is among 

This is due to a few factors, which helps explain why so many people choose to purchase